Pamplie AOP Butter Sheet 2 กก.
Pamplie butter carries the prestigious Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label, “AOP Beurre de Charentes-Poitou”.
The butter sheet contains 84% fat, and is a special butter prepared for pâtissiers. It’s perfect for your puff pastries like croissants, to enhance them with crispiness and beautiful flavors of butter and cream. This butter sheet is used by a large number of French bakeries.
Established in 1905, the Pamplie dairy cooperative is located in the French region of Charentes-Potou, well-known for the high quality of its butter.The Pamplie dairy cooperative has developed a specific making process from raw cream, which is gently processed for 2 hours in a traditional stainless steel churn. This slow and artisanal production scheme enhances the cream’s qualities, resulting in a final product renowned for its delicate taste, soft texture and hazelnut notes.